All of us make decisions in our life that are heavily influenced by our beliefs. Beliefs are things that we believe to be true that govern the way we move about the world. They are shaped by our history, the people who raised us or influenced us and often they are unconscious and develop over time.
However, beliefs are just thoughts. They are thoughts that we have rehearsed so many times that they seem inherently true, yet they are just thoughts. Thoughts are optional. Thoughts can be changed at any time.
A lot of our beliefs serve us well but many do not. Some of the sneakiest beliefs SEEM good but are actually holding us back or sabotaging us. In this episode, we offer 4 beliefs for you to questions and explore. These first 4 are inspired by the book The Confident Mind by Nate Zinsser. Go HERE for your own copy.
Part two of this will come in the next episode.
Private coaching sessions, along with consults and Dance Strategy Calls are paused while we plan for early 2025 and a brand new offer! To get on the interest list for what’s coming, go HERE.
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