Let it be fun!

You love dancing too much

to suffer through it.

Let it be fun!

You love dancing

too much to suffer

through it.


I'm amber haider

I’m a Certified Coach, pro/am ballroom dancer, fitness professional, wife, and mom of 4.

When I turned 40, I was thriving. I had a coaching business I was growing that I loved, my kids were all in school and healthy, our family life was keyed-in and I was loving all I had going on. On a whim, I decided to try ballroom dancing. I walked into a franchise and got started because I “just wanted to do it for fun.”

When I attended a showcase, just to watch, I paid close attention to what was happening…

I’m a Certified Coach, pro/am ballroom dancer, fitness professional, wife, and mom of 4.

When I turned 40, I was thriving. I had a coaching business I was growing that I loved, my kids were all in school and healthy, our family life was keyed-in and I was loving all I had going on. On a whim, I decided to try ballroom dancing. I walked into a franchise and got started because I “just wanted to do it for fun.”

When I attended a showcase, just to watch, I paid close attention to what was happening…

And then I asked a fateful question:

“How do I know if I win?”

They laughed and informed me that this was not a competition this time, but that could come later. I couldn’t wait.

I left that very lovely studio and hired a private teacher, started learning technique more deeply and competed in my first competition 3 months later. Can you believe that I actually WON my first championship there?! I wish I could say from there I have had ONLY successes in my ballroom dancing, but I’ve had my fair share of challenges and disappointments as well.

Nonetheless, I was hooked. Now I’m obsessed and will probably never quit.

So how did I end up

coaching ballroom dancers

on their mindset?

I credit the Life Coaching tools I was using in my Life Coaching practice for my ability to navigate the ups and downs of ballroom dancing. I have learned that our mind drama is what limits our ability to express our talent and training to the fullest. I think a dancer in my studio recognized it too, because she approached me and asked if I could help her overcome the anxiety that had worsened so much that she had to quit competing.

We spent a few months working together, and long story short, we got her back on the competition floor where she said she had enjoyed the competition for the first time EVER! She had only ever felt stress and pressure at her competitions (and she had been dancing 7 years!!) We were on to something! I shifted my coaching practice and started taking on more dancers.

I LOVE working with dancers like me who started later in life.

Adults are rarely willing to be new at something, be vulnerable in front of people, and most importantly, work through all their baggage. The people who choose to do this are unique and special! Dancing is a beautiful way to let all your stuff come up so you can work through it. We become stronger people as we become stronger dancers. And it’s SO. MUCH. FUN.

Until it isn’t.

Many dancers start out like me, loving it, and then somewhere down the line they find themselves miserable. They take it more seriously, progress seems to slow, they get harder on themselves, beat themselves up for mistakes, worry about what people think and if other dancers are better than them or passing them by and it stops being enjoyable.

Or they overthink and worry they will disappoint their teacher. Success gets harder and harder to come by from that place. When they come to me, often they haven’t been happy with their dancing for quite some time.

I help you

turn that around.

When I coach you, we leverage joy. This is non-negotiable. But we also want to be really, really good at dancing! So we remove interferences like self doubt, comparison, and negative self talk and increase confidence, resilience, and mental and emotional control.

You have mental and emotional patterns that are easy to slip into, even when you have a strong desire to change. For this reason, I meet weekly with my clients so I can teach you the tools you need and help you immediately with what comes up. This also allows enough time to implement your changes between sessions. With focused, efficient help from your coach, you will be amazed at how you and your dancing will drastically improve in just a few months’ time.

In the end, you have the chance to finally walk out on that floor like you own the place, feel in control of yourself as you dance, and walk off feeling proud and accomplished.

You just gotta

try it!

I want to give you a taste of the transformation you can experience, so I’m offering you a free Dance Strategy Call. Bring 1-2 of your dance struggles, I’ll give you strategies like I give all my ballroom dance clients so you can start feeling more empowered and ready to crush it!

When you see how valuable it is, I know you’ll want to learn more about how to work together officially, but if not, that’s okay too. I’ll send you on your way and we can just hug like old friends at a comp someday.

Are you ready?! Let’s GO!