To feel jealous is human. But then what? Because feeling jealous can feel pretty terrible and sometimes it feels hard to let it go.
In this episode, we unpack whether you are feeling jealousy or envy toward other dancers (hint: they are not the same thing!) and what that means for you.
Envy is more of a 2-person emotion where someone has something that you want. Jealous is more of a 3-person situation where you already feel like you have something but feel a threat of losing it to a rival. In dance we can experience both.
We unpack what those situations might be, but also what to do about it? There is a world where you don’t have to experience so much jealousy and envy. Here’s a hard truth you’ll need to come to terms with. Jealousy and envy seem like they are about people outside of you, but it’s always about you. They were the trigger, but what is happening in you, what can you learn from it, and how can you heal so that it doesn’t keep holding you back?
https://amberhaider.as.me/schedule.php for a free Dance Strategy Call