Rather than go into your comp feeling nervous, defensive, and worried that something bad is going to happen, I recommend you get into a more empowered headspace.
You can do that by giving the competition a job. A competition is there for you to use as a tool. You can use it for your purposes. This will give your mind something productive to focus on which will help prevent it from spinning out and at the same time, make you feel like you are acting on the comp instead of it acting upon you.
Here are 5 things to decide ahead of time to get you into the right mindset.
1. Why are you competing in general? You don’t have to. Why have you decided to? How can you make sure you acknowlege those desires?
2. Why are you choosing to do this competition? How can you use it for your purposes. Big and small competitions can have different uses. You can also use certain rounds, styles, days, etc to accomplish different things. Think through all of that so you know the plan when it comes time to step on the floor.
3. How will you measure success? Make sure most of them are in your control. What will you consider a win that isn’t only about results?
4. Decide ahead of time how you will think/feel as you go through the comp. How do you want to approach things? What mindsets and thought patterns would be most useful for all that you will be doing?
5. Decide ahead of time how you want to think/feel at the end and how you will treat yourself. What will that look like? Choose wisely and productively.
https://amberhaider.as.me/schedule.php for a free Dance Strategy Call