Have you ever stopped to realize that nothing is really a problem unless you think it is a problem? This is why some things can really bother someone else but not bother you.
As I work with clients in my private practice, so many things that we think are a problem are actually just normal development. We just don’t like how it’s going. But it IS totally normal actually. If we can make peace with things not being a problem, we can reduce the negativity and judgment by at least half. And then all that we are left with is something that we want to improve upon. But the part where we make it a problem, is optional.
Plateaus are one of those things that are a normal part of development, that no one can escape, and yet we think we are especially deficient just because we are in one. But plateaus are normal. In fact, while it may seem like nothing is happening in our plateaus, nothing could be further from the truth.
The spurts of progress that we experience from time to time are only the evidence of all the work that happened in the plateaus. The spurts aren’t the progress…they are the evidence that spilled out when that progress finally hit a tipping point where forward movement and integration can be seen in our efforts.
Listen in to hear what is happening in the plateaus that is so important. Let’s make peace with plateaus.
*This episode was inspired by a section in the book The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser. Pick up a copy HERE
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