“I don’t want to disappoint my teacher.”
“When this is all done, I don’t want to feel disappointed.”
Disappointment. So many of my clients put themselves through a lot of stress and anxiety in preparation for events, showcases, medal exams and competitions. When we dig a little deeper to see why we are so stressed, many of them end up saying something to the effect of, “I just don’t want to disappoint ______.” It’s usually their teacher, but it also includes themselves.
Disappointment must be pretty bad for us to create all this negative energy in preparation for it. But is it?
In this episode we speak to two key points when it comes to disappointment. One is that we can’t create disappointment in other people. And the second is how we need to make peace with people feeling negative emotion and that nothing has gone wrong if they do.
Listen in to see what I mean.
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