Ep 27. Your future self

How do you become a different version of yourself? How do you actually change?
This episode is the third in a series about that very subject. In episode 24 we learned how to identify our patterns that might not be serving us. Episode 25 talked about how to interrupt that pattern, and this episode is all about living into the new version of you.
In between a stimulus and response is a pause. That pause is where we can choose to show up differently.
We talk in this episode about using the Self-Awareness Model from episode 24 to create the future self.
Consider the result that you want to create. What actions would you need to take to get that result? What emotions might you need to generate to fuel that kind of action, and lastly, what mindset or thought process would you need to adopt to create that emotion?
You are going to imagine it ahead of them so that when the moments present themselves, you have a plan for how to execute.
You won’t do it perfectly, so we also talk about what that is going to look like as you practice becoming your future self.



It’s time to

Level Up!

Isn’t it time you took your dancing to the next level? Your head is what’s in the way and I can help. The fastest way to overcome your head drama is to schedule a strategy call. It’s free, it’s fun, and we can skip right to addressing the specific obstacles to YOUR ballroom success. You’ve got nothing to lose!

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Hi there,

I'm Amber haider

As an amateur ballroom dancer myself, I understand the issues that come up for dancers, the pressures of competing, and the desire to make the most of my ballroom experience. I also really like to WIN! As a Life Coach by vocation, I have the tools to cut through the mental garbage that is holding you back so that you can maximize your potential. Using my own tools, I have been able to skyrocket my own skills, learn faster, lessen the pressure, win more and have tons more fun. I can show you the way. Here’s a couple tools to get you started:

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